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August 05, 2004



Okay, it has been almost two months.

Has everyone's Blog become more visible?

Has anyone's Blog become more visible?


is up to 28 backlinks on Google and on 325 Yahoo.


Is anyone analyzing and visualizing Gomeme 4.0?

The method used in the Gomeme 1.0 analysis might work but it looks like the data gathering needs to support less than 1000 results per query.

Searching for

2. (your URL goes here! But first, please copy
3. (your URL goes here! But first, please copy
4. (your URL goes here! But first, please copy

and so forth up to about

30. (your URL goes here! But first, please copy

will gather the data points but that also includes some duplicates and garbage items.


The drop-off in results at Google continues with only 282 of about 2,390 showing.


Some interesting google results now.

"HMBMV!" is at 3000 results with 280 showing.

This is down from previous results.

Google is starting to drop older listings form the results.

The branching of nodes was interesting. Basically, the Gomeme branched a few times in the beginning, then more near the end, but has not branched at all in the middle.

Based on this search:
#. (your URL goes here! But first, please copy

For # = 2-29 google shows these results.

# total shown

2 18 2
3 120 20
4 127 22
5 152 28
6 23 10
7 34 12
8 14 5
9 2 2
10 1 1
11 1 1
12 1 1
13 1 2
14 1 1
15 1 2
16 1 1
17 1 1
18 1 1
19 1 1
20 1 1
21 1 1
22 8 3
23 5 2
24 3 2
25 1 1
26 2 1
27 22 3
28 2 1
29 4 4

Future branching after the next PageRank and backlinks update on Google may show an entirely different pattern but for now, it is a very peculiar distribution.


Google is now up to 4,070 and showing 274


Google is now up to showing 238 of about 2,870 references

Yahoo says 135 showing of 638

MSN took a big jump up to 154

Ask is up to 12

Alexa is showing 369

Nova Spivack

Great stats Bill, thank you!


Google is showing 177 of about 1,270
Yahoo is showing 155 of about 570
MSN is still showing 17
Alexa is showing 257
ask.com is still at 6


shows 211 on Yahoo but on Google it shows no results.


I forgot this:

Google is at 590 and showing 147

Yahoo is at 436 and showing 106

MSN.com has jumped from 5 to 17

Ask.com has jumped from 2 to 6


It is getting hard to track back through all of the branching but if you actually follow the links in the large path lists, they do all go to legitimate individual sites with unique content.

Something else I find interesting is the psychology of the people who found the gomeme on someone else's site but only put your link and their link up on their list. It is the same motivation as a person who gets a chain letter and takes the list of names and addresses and changes them all to himself and his friends.

I think that we will very likely see that the value of this particular version of the gomeme ends up increasing greatly over the next 2-3 months.

None of the pages containing it has any PR or backlinks showing in Google. As that changes over the next month or two, many more people might join in from very diverse nodes.

We may uncover an entirely unknown set of social relationships between bloggers who only find each other via search engines.

Nova Spivack

No what I am saying is that I saw some folks had added several different URLs that they promote into a single path list, all at the same time, and then passed it on as if it had gone through all those URL's -- basically it was a way for them to get links to a lot of sites they promote -- which may all be aliased to the same site I supposed -- it looked like a spammer up to typical tricks. Anyway, for the record, the GoMeme experiment has nothing to do with Radar Networks' it's an experiment that I am doing with a group of interested people, including you -- it's a personal interest.


Are you saying that some people are adding the exact same weblog URL multiple times in the same Path List?

There is really no point to that. It would not be of any benefit.

If you are trying to say something else, could you please clarify?

PS: It seems to me that in order to do what Radar Networks appears to want to do, the ability to think like a spammer would be absolutely critical at times.

Nova Spivack

Looks like a few people are trying to use the meme for spam by adding their URLs multiple times in the path. That's an interesting unanticipated issue -- it didn't occur to me that someone would try that, but then again, I don't think like a spammer I guess :^)

In any case, the experiment is pretty much finished now -- we got lots of data to look at and most participants were honest and legitimate.


LEVEL 27 : http://www.stockhelp.net/personal-finance/2004/08/help-make-blogs-more-visible.html

I think this is level 26A:

and level 26B from the same person:

There are several branches in the 20's

Google is listing 437 and showing 107 of them.

Yahoo is at 362 and showing 39.

Miguel Angel

LEVEL 6 : http://www.enblog.org/2004/08/cadenas-de-blogs-para-buscadores.htm


for "Help Make Blogs More Visible!".

Google: about 429 w/ 98 showing
Yahoo: about 343 w/ 34 showing
MSN: 5 results
ASK: 2 results


Some interesting negative results in the last few hours.

Google has dropped to 186 from 241
Yahoo has dropped to 116 from 121
Alexa has dropped to 72 from 81
MSN is still sitting at an incompetent 5
and Ask Jeeves still says: Your search for "Help Make Blogs More Visible!" did not match with any Web results.


241 at Google as of now


Yahoo is now at 121. No other changes.


Google links are up to 237 now. Yahoo back down to 50 and msn is at 5. Alexa has risen to 81.

I also checked Ask Jeeves, just for chuckles, and they have no results but showed lots of spam in place of any real results.


Perhaps we should all post this search to our weblogs so it hits the top links on some of the aggregators (those which work) and people will become more curious about it.


Google Search: "Help Make Blogs More Visible!"

That might help propagate it a bit faster.


Since blogs are, after all, blogs, and owners can post whatever they want, whenever they want,

(is the phrase "Blogs will be Blogs" coined yet?)

If everyone were to take the largest Path List they can find and post a link to it that would increase the importance of the longest paths and improve the spread and effectiveness of the nodes which spread the farthest.

Yahoo has increased from 46 results to 50. All others have not updated this morning.

One reason Google may be showing different results is that when you query google.com you actually get results returned from one of many data centers. Each data center may, at any given time, be in a different state that any other data center due to the time it takes to copy the new or updated information between them. Somtimes they have radically different results in the San Jose Data Center than at the one in VA, IN, etc.


I saw an older version and it looked interesting. I followed the links to your blog. I posted it in my blog and we shall see what happens.

Nova Spivack

This is a reply to Phil Rignalda's comment above. A Ponzi Scheme usually involves some form of payment by the participants, this does not. The problem with Ponzi schemes is that eventually a point of "market saturation" is reached such that the last people in the pyramid have nobody else to sell to, and so they don't recoup their investment or make a profit. In this case, there are over a million blogs -- so saturation is far, far, far away. Anyone who participates in this is likely to get some benefit -- it is very unlikely that market saturation will *ever* be reached in this experiment -- it just isn't going to spread that widely (at least I very much doubt it, based on the previous 3 experiments). It is true that the earlier one is on the list, the more the benefit to them in terms of the number of links they will get. However, given that the list can branch at any node, and that saturation hasn't even been nearly reached, everyone who participates at this stage has roughly the same potential benefit. If this spread much more virally than it seems to spread, such that most or all branches stemmed from just a few nodes near the top of the tree, it would disproportionately benefit just a few nodes. However, I think the branching of this meme is much more chaotic -- in fact, a node far down the list could generate a lot more branches than a higher node and end up with many more links. So it's not so simple as you would suggest in fact.

Nova Spivack

I'm seeing 161 on Google... funny how Google shows different numbers of results.

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Nova's Trip to Edge of Space

  • Stepsedgestratosphere
    In 1999 I flew to the edge of space with the Russian air force, with Space Adventures. I made it to an altitude of just under 100,000 feet and flew at Mach 3 in a Mig-25 piloted by one of Russia's best test-pilots. These pics were taken by Space Adventures from similar flights to mine. I didn't take digital stills -- I got the whole flight on digital video, which was featured on the Discovery Channel.

Nova & Friends, Training For Space...

  • Img021
    In 1999 I was invited to Russia as a guest of the Russian Space Agency to participate in zero-gravity training on an Ilyushin-76 parabolic flight training aircraft. It was really fun!!!! Among other people on that adventure were Peter Diamandis (founder of the X-Prize and Zero-G Corporation), Bijal Trivedi (a good friend of mine, science journalist), and "Lord British" (creator of the Ultima games). Here are some pictures from that trip...


People I Like

  • Peter F. Drucker
    Peter F. Drucker was my grandfather. He was one of my principal teachers and inspirations all my life. My many talks with him really got me interested in organizations and society. He had one of the most impressive minds I've ever encountered. He died in 2005 at age 95. Here is what I wrote about his death. His foundation is at http://www.pfdf.org/
  • Mayer Spivack
    Mayer Spivack is my father; he's a brilliant inventor, cognitive scientist, sculptor, designer and therapist. He also builds carbon fiber trimarans in his spare time, and studies animal intelligence. He is working on several theories related to the origins of violence and ways to prevent it, new treatments for learning disabilities, and new theories of cognition. He doesn't have a Web site yet, but I'm working on him...
  • Marin Spivack
    Marin Spivack is my brother. He is the one of the only western 20th generation lineage holders of the original Chen Family Tai Chi tradition in China. He's been practicing Tai Chi for about 6 to 10 hours a day for the last 10 years and is now one of the best and most qualified Tai Chi teachers in America. He just returned from 3 years in China studying privately with a direct descendant of the original Chen family that created Tai Chi. The styles that he teaches are mainly secret and are not known or taught in the USA. One thing is for sure, this is not your grandmother's Tai Chi: This is serious combat Tai Chi -- the original, authentic Tai Chi, not the "new age" form that is taught in the USA -- it's intense, physically-demanding, fast, powerful and extremely deadly. If you are serious about Tai Chi and want to learn the authentic style and applications, the way it was meant to be, you should study with my brother. He's located in Boston these days but also travels when invited to teach master classes.
  • Louise Freedman
    Louise specializes in art-restoration. She does really big projects like The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, The Gardner Museum and Harvard University. She's also a psychotherapist and she's married to my dad. She likes really smart parrots and she knows how to navigate a large sailboat.
  • Kris Thorisson
    Kris has been working with me for years on the design of the Radar Networks software, a new platform for the Semantic Web. He has a PhD from the MIT Media Lab. He designs intelligent humanoids and virtual realities. He is from Iceland, which makes him pretty cool.
  • Kimberly Rubin
    Kim is my girlfriend and partner, and also a producer of 11 TV movies, and now an entrepreneur in the pet industry. She is passionate about animals. She has unusual compassion and a great sense of humor.
  • Kathleen Spivack
    Kathleen Spivack is my mother. She's a poet, novelist and creative writing teacher. She was a personal student of Robert Lowell and was in the same group of poets with Silvia Plath, Elizabeth Bishop and Anne Sexton. She coaches novelists, playwrites and poets in France and the USA. She teaches privately and her students, as well as being published, have won many of the top writing prizes.
  • Josh Kirschenbaum
    Josh is a visual effects whiz, director and generalist hacker in LA. We have been pals and collaborators since the 1980's. Josh is probably going to be the next Jim Cameron. He's also a really good writer.
  • Joey Tamer
    Joey is a long-time friend and advisor. She is an expert on high-tech strategic planning.
  • Jim Wissner
    Jim is among the most talented software developers I've ever worked with. He's a prolific Java coder and an expert on XML. He's the lead engineer for Radar Networks.
  • Jerry Michalski
    I have been friends with Jerry for many years; he's been advising Radar Networks on social software technology.
  • Chris Jones
    Chris is a long-time friend and now works with me in Radar Networks, as our director of user-experience. He's a genius level product designer, GUI designer, and product manager.
  • Bram Boroson
    Bram is an astrophysicist and college pal of mine. We spend hours and hours brainstorming about cellular automata simulations of the universe. He's one of the smartest people I ever met.
  • Bari Koral
    Bari Koral is a really talented singer songwriter. We co-write songs together sometimes. She's getting some buzz these days -- she recently opened for India Arie. She worked at EarthWeb many years ago. Now she tours almost all year long and she just had a hit in Europe. Check out her video, on her site.
  • Adam Cohen
    Adam Cohen is a long-term friend; we were roommates in college. He is a really talented composer and film-scorer. He doesn't have a Web site but I like him anyway! He's in Hollywood living the dream.
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