Ok, here's a very unusual news item:
During his time as head of the Ministry of Defence UFO project, Nick Pope was persuaded into believing that other lifeforms may visit Earth and, more specifically, Britain.
His concern is that "highly credible" sightings are simply dismissed.
And he complains that the project he once ran is now "virtually closed" down, leaving the country "wide open" to aliens.
Mr Pope decided to speak out about his worries after resigning from his post at the Directorate of Defence Security at the MoD this week.
"The consequences of getting this one wrong could be huge," he said.
Read the rest here. I have several thoughts about this news and what it might mean...
Mr. Pope has been speaking out on these issues for years. What's most interesting is that the MoD allowed him to. This seems to tacitly confirm that what he's saying may have some truth to it. If he was actually wrong or a lunatic they would have fired him long ago, or had him conveniently committed to an asylum. Since they didn't fire him, this would seem to indicate that the higher-ups must have at least enough respect for him to keep him on as one of their chiefs (or maybe he had some kind of government job that he couldn't be fired from?).
In any case, I wonder why he thinks aliens would have bad intentions? Perhaps he has information that is not available to the public. But if aliens exist, and if they have such advanced technologies, and if they have bad intentions, wouldn't they have invaded long ago? What would be their reason to wait if their intention was to invade? Waiting would only give us more time to develop technologies to fight them with.
The fact that, despite quite a lot of evidence of UFO's, they have NOT invaded, seems to indicate that their intentions are not harmful. Perhaps they are here to study us, or protect us from ourselves, or to refuel and re-provision enroute to somewhere else? Or maybe they are missionaries? Or maybe they are not interested in humans at all. Maybe it's the cats they are here to talk to. Let's face it -- the cats are clearly much cooler than the humans.
Then again, this reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode from the early 1960's that I read about in which aliens landed and stated that their sole purpose for coming to earth was for the betterment of humanity. They had a special text of principles entitled, "To Serve Man." It wasn't until the end of the episode that it was revealed that this text was actually a cookbook.